Thursday, October 25, 2012

Well, that's it. The results were out today and even though I have very little chance of making it, I've already kinda accepted it. Haven't been very accepting about the results but there's no use berating myself right? I've never ever wanted to be someone who thinks about 'what ifs' but then again this time round I couldn't help it. All I can say is I'm really really thankful for all the people who were there for me. Everyone, people who knew when I had my moments and knew when to call, people who were just there to listen and people whose words made so so much sense. Even people who I didn't really know before but got to recently...... its just nice and I don't know, today got me thinking that maybe things won't be so bad. I just have to look on the positive side because no matter what happens, I cannot give up on myself. I have to stay strong. Things will be fine. 

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