Sunday, March 3, 2013

on a Saturday night

Alright so, I just attempted baking again and I left my kitchen a floury mess and I took a shower and now I'm bundled in a dark room just chilling. What better way to waste away an hour or so by completing Tumblr questionnaires? Leggo~

1. Meaning behind my URL.
Well there really isn't a meaning to hellyeahpinkacid. I've just had it forever haha
2. One of my insecurities.
One? Well okay I think I have small eyes
3. What turns me on.
Hands down, guys who smell good hahaha
4. One of my bad habits.
I tend to..... fall asleep in the most inappropriate places e.g. classrooms, lecture theaters, toilets.........
5. Who I wish I could be.
Effy Stonem.
6. Where I want to be right now.
Gold Coast, walking down towards Surfer's Paradise with a surfboard in tow and a really cute instructor hehehe
7. The last thing I ate.
Apple Strudel omg I know sinful
8. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately.
okay omg I would say this guy from my school tho he isn't really but everyone's always saying that he is so.... y'know. But he's not hahahahahahahaaha. Okay la maybe a little.
9. What song I’m currently listening to.
Two Fingers - Jake Bugg
10. The last time I cried and why.
Yesterday when I was back in CCHMs. Saw my old math teacher and even though he was really nice about it, I could feel his disappointment and I couldn't stand it. Btw I didn't c r y I teared haha 
11. Something I’m excited about.
12. 5 things I like about myself and 5 things I dislike about myself.
I like that I'm into literature and indie stuffs because it's something I can actually find solace in. I like that I'm becoming more openminded. I like....... my hair. Sometimes. And I like that I have that ability to make such great friends. Oh and I like my Tumblr whoo.
I hate that I'm so darn lazy, I hate that I'm so weak and easy now. I hate that I care and I hate not being able to let go. I hate not being petite. I hate how much easier it was coming up with these 5 points than the previous 5
13. Three things I want right now.
Hot tea, more blankets and for you to be here next to me (clichéd I know)
14. Are you wearing a necklace, who got it for you, where’s it from?
Not currently but I was wearing this shark tooth one earlier on! Got it for myself and I absolutely love it cause it was from Auzzieee
15. How long was your last phone conversation?
A few seconds when my mum called and I was in Topshop's changing room hahaha. Imagine my horror and embarrassment when my phone suddenly went "HI WE'RE ONE DIRECTION". Okay I know that's real dorky don't judge. 
16. What are you looking forward to?
Going out with the family for brunch tomorrow yay
17. Did you get anything off your chest today?
18. How many rings do you usually wear?
19. Would you rather go to Canada or California on vacation?
California! I'm so so much more of a Cali girl omg the sun sand and the summer
20. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants or pajama pants?
Joggers! They're so comfy whoo
21. Do you call it fall or autumn?
Autumn. Although over here in Singapore it's just...... meh.
22. Are you an emotional person?
Oh hahaha you don't know the half of it
23. It’s 2 in the morning and you get a text message, who is it most likely from?
It could be from anyone! None of us are really the sleep-before-midnight kinds
24. Do you like long car rides?
Totally! Love them.
25. Do you have an adult you can talk to about anything?
26. Last time you saw your dad?
Uhm....5 days ago?
27. Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Don't think so hahaha.
28. Do you do your own laundry?
29. Would you like the ability to read minds?
Not really
30. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?
31. You’re thinking about a certain person right now, aren’t you?
32. What will you be doing in five years?
Refer to this hahaha
34. Last 2 people to text you?
Maxine and Nicole!
35. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Kinda? Well okay I have bigdreamswayupthere career, my hmmokayIcouldstillenjoydoingthis idea and my damnthingsdidntworkoutsothisismyfallbackplan.
36. Do you like to cuddle?
Yessssss hehe come over we can watch movies and drink cocoa and fall asleep together 
37. When angry, do you get loud or quiet?
It really depends. If you pissed me off because you were being a bitch then ohhoh watch out
38. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed on the lips?
39. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?
YES! :)
40. How’s your hair right now?
Up in a messy bun hahaha

Alright that's about it but omg I'm so tired I guess you can tell from my answers towards the end haha. Oh maaan it's really cold and my fingers are really numb and I just wanna fall asleep right now but I also really wanna Tumblr so yeah I shall do that while listening to the most amazing new indie playlist I found on 8tracks it's so amaze balls okay waitI I'm rambling on again bye guys love you xxx


someone said...

You are who you are, be it your strengths and weaknesses, they make u unique and special in your own way. ( which i know u are)

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

Anonymous said...

I think you're really brave. I'm proud of you and I don't need to know you personally. I read your blog. So many ups and downs, yet you're here. Keep going on. I lo your blog and your honesty x