Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sapphire and Faded Jeans

Okay so it's been waaay too long since I blogged haha. Been too busy or rather, too lazy omg and every time I actually sit down blogging it'll be when I'm in tears haha so it's good that I'm actually blogging now cause I feel like it yay. Hmm so........... okay I know I'm supposed to come up with interesting things that happen to me I mean so that in years to come I can like look back and be all nostalgic and stuff but geeeez what do I have to talk about haha haven't gone out in ages because all my friends are too busy studying(life) maybe I should study too I haven't even really sat down this year to study properly sheesh.

I need to
- Go out more
- Find a study partner that will make me sit my ass down and actually s t u d y
-Attempt to fall asleep by midnight so that I won't look an absolute wreck in the morn
-Eat less
-Run more
-Spend more time on Tumblr
-Be wary
-Learn how to enjoy being alone

because that's all I ever feel these days
just want someone there to assure me I'm not

1 comment:

someone said...

Whooooo! good that u were in a good mood!

Just another video to share which made me think: What am i doing now, how i am living and what I actually want to do.

'You don't have to find out that you're dying before you start living' -Zach Sobiech

Life is what you make it out to be