Oh hey thereeeee
So remember when I said I baked them soufflés and I would do a post? Yeah well this time, procrastination didn't get the better of me (applause please) and I managed to gather all the pictures and the recipe so here goes.
(G o s h this is so exciting it's my very first tutorial post ha ha ha I'm so lame k)
Okay so, everyone loves a good molten cake right? Make that a chocolate molten cake and you'll be like wow how can this get any better? Oh but it can haha presenting...... Chocolate Hazelnut Soufflés!!!!!
Okay so, everyone loves a good molten cake right? Make that a chocolate molten cake and you'll be like wow how can this get any better? Oh but it can haha presenting...... Chocolate Hazelnut Soufflés!!!!!
Coat your ramekins with cocoa powder so that the soufflés can rise evenly/does not stick!
After which, add the sugar and vanilla extract to your egg yolks and whisk until you get a creamy and a beautiful pale yellow color!
Okay now, you're going to warm and loosen up your Nutella. As Nutella is usually used as a spread, its texture is rather thick and it's not going to mix well with our egg yolks. Which is why we'll have to place it into a microwave for say, 10 seconds, on high heat to loosen it up! Now it'll have more of a liquid consistency as opposed to a thick uh.... peanut-buttery texture hahaha.
And now, slowly and carefully add in your egg whites! Using a spatula, fold in the egg whites and be careful with them and don't stir or whisk the mixture because you don't want to knock all the air out of the whites because you'll end up with a flat and rather dense soufflé....... So start by gently mixing in one forth to one third of the egg white mixture and slowly folding in the rest of the whites!
After that, just scoop the mixture CAREFULLY into your ramekins! Mine were rather small so I managed to make 4 instead of just 3!
After which, take them out and immediately dust them with icing sugar! Look at them aren't they absolutely gorg mmmm and for an even more decadent treat, you can add a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top haha calorie-ladden for sure, but just add another half-hour of cardio to your workout and you're good to go ;)
Okay so, that was my very first recipe/tutorial/Idon'tevenknowwhattocallit thingy haha it's kinda weird and doesn't really fit my blog type......... but y'know, why not? Hope this helps anyone out there who have wanted to try their hand at baking these tricky desserts but were afraid to do so haha.
Now that promos are over and I got PW out of the way last year (hahaahahahahaha), I'm kinda hoping I'll be able to do more interesting things like go out on shoots, maybe fashion or street photography hehe. Andy and I already have a few places in mind ohhhmygod I'm so stoked. In the meantime, keep a lookout here I'll be updating this space rather regularly :) OH and if you could do me a favor and click on that ad there, I'll appreciate it A L O T hehe thanks lovelies!!!!
xx, Z