Friday, December 28, 2012


Warning: This is going to be a really long wordy posts without pictures because no pictures or photos can really describe how I feel right now.......... and this is such a rambly post so if you are someone who hates reading or have this strange loyalty to MJ's culture and/or superficial people, I highly suggest you exit this page asap yeah? I just got off work and today was such a crazy and long day I am EXHAUSTED so I still have this weird adrenaline from running around taking orders (not complaining I love my job) and I thought hey why waste it so yeah I'm letting everything out, things that have been bothering me for so long. It might be therapeutic for me too anyways so why the heck not hahahahaahaha its 1 in the morning and I feel like I just downed 5 expressos or something haha okay so

For weeks now, I've been trying desperately to forget MJ even existed. Its strange how much I've come to dislike my MJ life when I wanted to enter MJ so badly 2 years ago (god knows why). I mean the school is fine but I guess I still have problem adjusting to the culture here. So many people, seniors warned me about this during the JAE period, like MJ and CCHMS's cultures are highly different. I thought they were talking about the actual culture like because CCHMS is such a chinesely culturey place haha so yeah. I guess I finally realized what they mean? Being in MJ it's like everyone knows everyone and people are just too busy trying hard to............ be someone they feel they have to be. If that even makes sense. I don't know. I used to be the kind of person that really cared what people thought of me and I have friends who keep telling me not to care so much. After really thinking through it, did I really care about everyone's opinion of me, or am I just using it as a weaker reflection of my opinion of myself? After all, all that really matters is what you think of yourself right? For instance when you buy new clothes, it should be because you like how you look in it and not because someone else might like you better if you are in it........... or when you post something on Insta. What's the point really? I guess for me its cuz I like making a difference in someone's life, even if its for a millisecond when they scroll past a photo thinking hey that's nice I like that.

Okay I'm really rambling on here. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate how people change, change to better suit others. Why do that? Isn't that such a horrid feeling, to force yourself into liking something you never will, or wearing something you normally wouldn't be caught dead in, just to get someone to like you better? The worst thing is when you totally go against what you preach. Don't freaking tell people something when you don't even mean it and go on to be something you don't like being fuck I have no idea what I'm talking about but please try to understand bc you've already made it this far into my blog post and because my thoughts are now coming in long long rambly sentences okay whew. OR. When you lose sense of what's important to you, lose sense of your own values. That's when you know you've lost someone close and dear to you, to the 'society'. Fuck its such a messed up world out there. Why do people have to be competitive? Comparing yourself to me or putting me down will that make you feel better? Why do you have to look so stricken when I actually do okay in a test. Or when I do homework and you don't, why do you have to act like the world's ending and that you better buck the fuck up because I'm actually doing okay for once. Well guess what, I'm retaining so yeah its probably really expected and you can tell me to be strong and its for the best but if you were in my shoes you'll probably NOT last. Try it. Fucking try it.

What I honestly regretted this year was putting myself down. And letting others constantly put me down and accepting it. Not daring to go all out when I dance anymore because of a mistake I made, not daring to be myself because I was so fucking afraid people would judge. Not even putting effort into the things I do because I've already accepted failure. Because, as what I can quote from people around me, I'm me. I don't get things properly done. Caring too much about what people thought of me, people whose opinions I can so clearly see now, don't even matter. Wasting so much of my time on people who don't even matter at all. 

Honestly I'm quite hopeful about next year because I can start afresh. I won't be surrounded everyday by people who think I cannot complete things, I won't be able to let their thinking infuse mine either. I know I'm not a slacker and all that really matters will be our A level grades. I'm not going to let no one put me down anymore and we shall see what happens.

Thank god for the few people who have always been there for me, who've accepted me for who I am. Thank god

PS this post isn't even directed at anyone in particular its just the way I feel haha and I feel so much better seeing it out in print. Alright gonna watch some cheesy 90's drama and try to forget this horrid feeling I have now. Meeting up with the guides and the scouts tomorrow and I'm excited :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

In 5 years

In 5 years time, I want to be someone with bigger goals, someone who adds life to my days as opposed to adding days to my life. Hopefully by then I would be more mature, less emotional and wiser, in other words I would very much like to be self-actualised. 

In 5 years time I would be working 5 days a week, doing something I absolutely love, preferably in an office with a gorgeous sea view and easy access to the beach where I can start surfing as and when. The air around me will be constantly filled with the smell of salt water and sun, and I will be literally sun kissed and bleached hahaha. I will be a 36-24-36 and this will actually be highly essential since I will practically be living in a bikini and flip flops 24/7, what with being a minute away from the beach. Also, it is important that I have nice hair hah.

By the time I'm 22 years old, I would have figured out who the real and true people who will be there for you. By that time I would have found someone who feels the same way I do about literature music beautiful things photography shopping eating and basically life. We will live in a state-of-the-art glassy modern house on the beach but still near the city so that we can still attend highly important social events. We will own a Vespa, either pink or turquoise and a few terriers or Golden Retrievers hahaha.

I will have amazing friends who enjoy and appreciate the finer things in life like perfect nails and hair, the importance of good clothing and higher fashion. (Okay its not like my friends don't already do that hahahahaha I hang out with many blonde and air headed people sigh)

I honestly hope that by then I will have accomplished everything. It's not easy but I WILL get there!!!!!! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

14 days left till Christmas!!!!!!!!! Its the most magical time of the year! *inserts millions and millions of sparkles and snowflakes and all things pretty*

But that also means 16 days left for me to live without metal in my mouth sigh sigh and oh 10 days till the end of the world ha ha ha how could I forget.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


haha and I don't even know why I'm making such a big deal out of this but it is highly upsetting when you've been meaning to do a proper picture post for ages and when you actually do, you c a n t. Highly upsetting I tell you!!!!!!!!!

and and I realize when I'm mad, my vocab becomes super limited i.e omg like super can't even hahahahaa okay bye

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cascading down

What I'm feeling right now.......... I feel free? Like maybe I've finally decided to stop waiting. And I feel that if I can get over this, I can get over anything. Tomorrow's going to be the first day and this marks the start of my life as a retainee hahaha. Hopefully, I'll be strong enough to get through it
 Still wishing you were here and that this wasn't so hard.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Like a fairy on acid

Got this off Tumblr and since my ask box doesn't even work, I shall do it here hahaha. There are some pretty obvious ones I'm not gonna bother with though hehe

1. Three Turn Offs
This is really difficult I can't think of any right now hahaha okay when people don't use proper english, insensitivity and............. Crocs. I really really hate them shoes. If you even call those shoes

2. Three Turn Ons
British accents pretty eyes and prepsters

3. Phobia

4. Celebrity Crush 
Hahahahahahahaha oh please

5. Drink 

10. Embarrassing Memory 
Oh god hahaha that one time during the TMC rally period....................... undo undo undo

11. Last Thing Ate

12. Last Text Received 
"Haha I suggest to the ventures" -Jefferson hahaha can't wait!

13. 4 Things I Hate
Walking behind a smoker/slowperson, waiting for texts, disappointment aaaand gaining  >:( 

14. 4 Things I Love
Starbucks/Coffee/Tea, perfect playlists, comfortable hoodies and.......the beach :)

15. Random Fact 
Currently obsessed with my pink yo-yo hehe it lights up whooooosh

16. Three People I Miss
wow......... okay uhm my bimz, D and the person you used to be

17. Tattoo I Want
infinity infinity infinity infinity infinity 

18. A Regret
Not giving my best

19. Wish at 11:11
But if I say it, it won't come true :( 

20. Craziest Thing Done
h ah ah ah aha no. Nothing's gonna get that out from me!!!!!!!!

Haha whew okay that was fun guys I suggest you do it if y'all wanna get your mind off stuffs cuz it kept mine off things for a good 20 minutes hehe. In fact I tag all my fellow Tumblr users and bloggers to do this too haha if you even made it this far down my post. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I hate being sad

I've always liked long bus rides home because they give me time to be alone with my thoughts and just think but long usually meant an hour? This time coming back home I was on a 6hour ride and I think I drowned in my thoughts I'm not even kidding haha I just stared out of the window and pondered. To make things all the more dramatic, it started raining and I was listening to TMH so......... yeah. I really hate over thinking but I couldn't help it. All the What Ifs and If Onlys started coming in and I felt.......... swamped. And exhausted.

I wanna be super happy again :(

Why did you have to make me regret ever meeting you

Sunday, November 11, 2012

This is so fucked up. People should just stop deceiving and telling lies

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Coke & Ciggers

Oh yeah I have naturally brown hair hehehe. Thinking of dip-dying it red tho haha my love for Phobos knows no bounds.
So...... my first dental appointment is in less than a week. Fucking scared will be an understatement I swear I hope everything turns out fine :( 

Meanwhile, I have other things to worry about, everyday that I spend in school, in my class feels all the more precious now. I love my classmates my PW group my exco so so so so so so sooooooo much I hope no one forgets me.
Oh maaaan I have no idea why I'm feeling so........feelingless about this. Its a good thing I guess haha I like not feeling anything. 

Excites for tomorrow, intend to spend the entire day with my PW beechaz and exco. 

Things will turn out fine right? I wanna count on you to reassure me but is it wrong?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Well, that's it. The results were out today and even though I have very little chance of making it, I've already kinda accepted it. Haven't been very accepting about the results but there's no use berating myself right? I've never ever wanted to be someone who thinks about 'what ifs' but then again this time round I couldn't help it. All I can say is I'm really really thankful for all the people who were there for me. Everyone, people who knew when I had my moments and knew when to call, people who were just there to listen and people whose words made so so much sense. Even people who I didn't really know before but got to recently...... its just nice and I don't know, today got me thinking that maybe things won't be so bad. I just have to look on the positive side because no matter what happens, I cannot give up on myself. I have to stay strong. Things will be fine. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I think I'm falling more than I really should be

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Will.......

I always have trouble finding the perfect picture to start my post with so we'll just have to make do with these seven hearts. Oh look how apt, one for every day of the week.

So its again, after midnight and I'm wondering why do I always blog at such weird timings haha. But I was feeling ready and decided to jot down some of my resolutions, even though we're nowhere near January 1st.

From tomorrow on, I Will..............

#1. Exercise more
#2. Eat less
#3. Smile more to strangers (I mean hey how many times a day do you walk past someone whom you know rather well on some social networking site but have never felt dared to even maintain eye contact haha)
#4. Start voicing out my thoughts more as opposed to keeping them buried deep down inside
#5. Keep an open mind
#6. Be more relaxed
#7. Be more happy

Oh hey seven new resolutions too! Haha that was cool. Alriiiight time to turn in and face everything I've been avoiding for the past few days. Can't wait......... but wait resolution #5 haha okay this could turn out good. Someone wise and smart told me that no matter what we lose/gain from this entire JC journey, always appreciate the fact that you've become a hell lotta stronger haha how true.

G'night guys xx

Monday, October 15, 2012

Warm concrete

The last two days have been rather trying ones..... especially Friday it was so weird and bizarre I won't really go much into it aha. Let's just say it involved frantic phone calls, cabbing to a nearby hospital and leaving the place in a stranger's car h a h a h a. I kind of lost myself in my thoughts and you know when you're just drifting and feel so helpless and alone? I guess that was what I pretty much felt the whole of last week. But then again it's all in the mind and the battle is entirely within yourself. So every problem probably comes from taking things way too seriously..........Things will take a turn for the better when I start learning how to lighten up:) Well and there's the whole issue of promoting and all but I won't go into that.

Its 1 in the morning and I apologize for this weird post haha anyhow I've been spending post promos with the people I loveee; my exco, my two CLs, my girls and Winniekins (L) Crazy shit always happens when I'm with her I swear its like she's out to break every rule or something hahaha. Pictures up soon, and if you're already here reading this........................... why not click that little ad up there and earn me 20c yeah? 

Hehe thanks whoever you are, much love xx

God, what a rubbish post ha ha ha

Monday, October 8, 2012

Le Femme Nikita

Sigh guys so chem papers are gonna be returned tomorrow and I'm so worried........ I've been preparing myself for a U but I know no matter what, it'll still hit me. Ah whatever. Not ready at all. So many taxing issues on my mind. I've never ever seen myself look this horrid before in my entire life. I feel sad for myself :( I need to buck up and start persevering it'll be worth it, I need to start sleeping early too and I need to stop sinning and continue consuming less than 1200 cals a day because no matter how much I do it it'll never be enough. Zoee, please just wake the fuck up. Please
I don't get this feeling at all, I just feel extremely mixed up. It'll randomly hit me and set me thinking...... what am I doing? I'm looking for things to go my way I want some things but then again I honestly am not sure of what I want. I'm tired of having to think these thoughts, having to worry about every thing, tired of having to try and be someone I used to be.                                                                   I guess I'm tired. I know its something everyone says everyday and people call it whining but they don't know what is constantly going through my mind. No one knows and I just feel so frustrated I just want to end it all like I don't even know anymore? Weird thoughts pass through my mind everyday and I feel like I am one person that doesn't deserve to live. When I walk under flats sometimes I'll just will for the units to.....drop? When I cross roads I'll just want something to happen sometimes I desperately wish I can fall really really ill and maybe the lines defining reality will be blurred......I don't know. Then again I think of so many people out there in the world who deserve to live more than I do, but cannot and I feel guilty. In a heartbeat I will be willing to give them my life give them anything they want. I know of so many people hurting because of their loved ones and I think, why them and not me? After all, they definitely cherish life more than I do. They definitely deserve it more than I do. They don't do stupid things that screws their body up they don't set out to ruin everything. So definitely yeah, in a heartbeat I would be willing to trade. I have absolutely nothing to live for now there is no one or nobody I will miss leaving behind I just want to leave right now right this instant. Help 

I need someone who can hear me out, someone who doesn't judge. Someone. Anyone?

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hey guys wazzup
really random
If you're here it probably means you're really bored
And because I'm posting this, it means I'm really bored too................
Sooooo formspring me! -------------->
It'll be fun answering random questions hahaha

peace x

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"I wish I was strong enough."
Chanced upon this when I was reading through my redox notes. Prolly wrote it during that period of time, one of the worst times I've ever experienced. Honestly , I've never felt like that until I came into MJ it really hit me so hard. Hopelessness helplessness it was a never ending abyss. Hopefully the days ahead will be nothing like that.

On a side note, I really need to stop doodling on my lecture notes hahaha.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Miss Nothing

Headed back to CCHMS and ze cool Mr Handsome got us a room and gave us consultations whooop.
Today saw us reliving our memories like literally. Me and bimz stood at the parade square and we sent ourselves to the yellow line. We went to our HM table and danced in the trophy area hahaha while the rest were studying. Oh how I've missed having someone to skip lessons with 

These GIFs took me forever to upload and even then they don't work pshh I give up. You gotta actually click on them for it to work sheeesh. Oh wullzx time to get back to the very very exciting world of JC math yipeeeee I'm so stoked


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"

Just saw something on Facebook and I decided........... oh what the heck I'm just gonna go for it
But there are so many questions am I tall enough okay-looking enough skinny enough ha ha ha okay well the answer to all three of those are obviously just big definite NOs but its okay I'm getting there.

Back to my calorie counting days, no more fast food e v e r, and all the other stuffs. Like honestly I don't even care if its bad for me, as long as I achieve what I want, and more than anything, I want to be like her 

Monday, September 3, 2012


I know my titles never make any sense
its more fun
this way.
Why swinxzxzzxzxzxzxzxzxzx? 
I don't know this just feels like a swinxzxzzxzxzzxzxzxzxz post

Someone save meeeeeeeeee
I was supposed to get started on my lit essay but ........ blast the internet and the gazillion things you can do with it.
Photobooth is so much fun he he he he he he he bai

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Everyone say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I hate it when I come home feeling like this.
I miss dance. 
Of course I do but there's no way I'm even allowed to say that when I couldn't even make the cut. 

I've been trying so hard to think of a positive quality that I posses but I honestly drew a blank................ So basically all I can bank on is my studies and I even suck at that too. Hate feeling like this I absolutely hate being so insecure but it hit me so hard just now. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kristle is the ultimate photo bomber I swear hahaha too funny.
OCS was fun! Like there were many cute guys it was awesome whoooooop

I miss my fringe.................. but then again I'm only fringeless when I tie my hair up oh man I should just cut everything off hah. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Just Tonight

Haven't been on here in ages, haven't really had the time. Can't wait for after promos I swear to Lord I will have soooooooo many things to blog about because I'll be going out soooooo many times it's gonna be awetious.

Awetious = awesome and righteous. Got it off GLC so its legit okay hahaha.

I am going to L I V E at Sentosa, get the most perfect and even tan, play in the water and get blonde hair and become a mermaid and never resurface oooh haha. But till then, its all library and books and tutorials but its cool. Studying is actually fun hahahahahahaha okay uhm no bye


Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm probably more in love with the idea of being in love than being in love for being in love. Does that make sense?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

“protège-moi de mes désirs”

Hi guise lemme let you in on a 'lil something...........................................

Alright I admit it my dream is to make it big in the media industry ha ha ha. Well, who doesn't dream of this huh. I am a mega fan of Holly Grabarek and she's like my total role model. I absolutely adore her sense of style, her hair which she recently cut................... :( and really just everything about her. She's half American though and that's probably one way I'll never ever match up.
So, I took the first step and emailed this company.................................... nothing much but I feel so lame right now hahaha CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT OMGAH.. Oh wellz maybe its cause I'm young and fickle. Heck yeah that sounds waaay nicer than stupid hehe. Nothing's gonna stop me from getting to my dreams though. Carpe Diem, YOLO, Hakuna Matata and all that y'know.

Mature bye for now

Thursday, July 26, 2012

That's when the pain serves as a vacation, as a break a halt from everything.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting - A.W

Went to the Andy Warhol exhibition today! Was pretty excites about it and I was totally not let down. It was a great exhibition and we were able to learn so much it was real fun! Our tour guide was pretty awesome and she gave us a rather detailed tour. Was sooooo amazed by almost everything, the Suicide painting, the Silver Factory and definitely the trademark Marilyn Monroe pop art! but....... THE BEST PART WAS
haha okay y'know what I'm not even a huge fan of the series. To be honest, I found it creepy lol. Anyways whatever the atmosphere was totally amazeballs!!! The exhibition was amazingly done and all. Learnt so many new things about Harry Potter hahaha. But okay you know what was the truly truly best part? The. Cute. Guys. We saw quite a few and hi to Mr VJ/DoorOpener/It'sAlright/HotAccent/HairForHope Guy and Mr Cute/Smirky/I'mHotAndIKnowIt/ScarfWearer/WandPromoter Guy. May our paths ever cross again.

I sound weird. 
Well it's no wonder
My contacts have been on for a total of 19hours now
hmm. Needa take care of my eyes 
Gotta massive headache trying to find the perfect tie dyed studded vintage Nirvana jumper
While trying to get started on EOM 
And with my mum being in Thailand
And my cousin here next to me who is breathing really really really loudly.
Heading to bed now and maybe I might even wake up in time to meet Kris! Maybe. Haha I keeeedz. 

Night xxx

Monday, July 16, 2012

You're just one person I've never been able to forget. Its been 2 years and I highly doubt you remember me but  everything's still fresh in my head. Just read through our convo for the umpteenth time in these two years and everything turned misty. Right now, I only have one question, and that is if you didn't want it, why did you start everything? D, you suck. And one day I will fully be over you I swear

Monday, July 9, 2012

So, today I was bored and chanced upon an episode of Shaun the Sheep except it was about Timmy the baby sheep getting lost. I was soooo fascinated yet at the same time too bored to laugh. This has become my life

Saturday, June 23, 2012


During my last 11:11 as a sixteen year old, I made a wish. There are so many things I wish to accomplish in the year to come and I'm nowhere near self-actualization. This year, things are in priority, number 1 obviously being able to promote. Second would be to lose as much weight as possible I don't care how I don't care how detrimental it will be I'm just gonna do it. How many have actually died of bulimia or whatevs anyways? All it takes is perseverance and I will go as far as I can. Also, I wanna get as close to my dreams as possible, no matter how farfetched they seem now. Hopefully being seventeen might help me achieve some of these things? Hopefully.

Haha I wrote that down last night, I was so unwilling to turn 17. Its no biggie I know but it just reminds me again how I've been spending my teenage years doing the same things over and over sigh yeah its important and yes it'll do us good but really? How many more years argh. What does my future hold for me? Will what I'm studying now even help seriously??? Like, I totes don't foresee myself using Chem in my dream job pshh I mean get real man! But its okay I'm just gonna mush on cuz I'm definitely not alone haha I can always live out my teenage dreams in my twenties yeah?? yeah.

SO today I celebrated my birthday in the library!! Big yay to me haha well it was not baaaaad, semi productive and my girls had a mini celebration for me at the restaurant closest to 1D's hearts: Nando's HAHA. okay that was lame. Anyways they did good! I was real surprised hahaha thank you girls for always being there for me :')  

Cheryl, ultimate kudos to you for bearing with my dumbness, my whining, my complete lack of ability to concentrate and my angst hahaha I pity you but yey to 12 years of friendship! *hugs*

Jas, for putting up with my lameness '_- HAH MY WINK FACE IS STILL SO COOL and my constant rant and bitching and such hahaha. Thanks for following me out when we got banished from the library and have faith things will turn out alright yeah ;)

And thanks Blondie for always being there to push me on and nag at me and for being my Sbux partner study partner shopping partner idk man haha I don't know how to put everything down in words but YOU GET THE GIST okay thanks for not exploding or something during my blonde moments which is completely understandable cuz if anything, you're even worse than I am HAH. That was a long sentence whew

TO MANDY WINNIE JASMINEY SY KT YUKI PLEASE okay lets meet up soon la haven't seen y'all in ages haha but I love you too hehe guideys you guys are the best

Aight this has been a long wordy post without pictures haha I took ages to compose this!  I swear Auzzie post is coming up next! Australia really is an amazing place and I can't wait to study there one day man. But till then, here's a bunny on hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh to thank you for clicking on that ad ;)


Sooooo. Okay as you can see, my hair is getting way too ... long. Its getting in my way and on my last nerve sheesh. The worst thing is as my fringe grows, the back seems to actually grow shorter hmm is that possible really? Maybe there's this hair gnome that snips off some of my hair when I'm sleeping. A hair fairy yeah I'd like that. Us girls would be fur-reeking rich hah.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Holding hands may seem like an innocent gesture, but they show more than a simple interlocking of fingers.  Your hands are one of the most essential parts of your body: you build with them, feed with them, hold with them, touch with them, fight with them; they are the tools of the human body.  To take a hold of another’s hand is to break from living individually.  It is to link yourself to another being, to momentarily entwine your life with another’s, to promise, for a moment, that you need not face the world alone.  More simple, more aesthetically naive than other forms of affection, the act of holding hands is often trivialised in its true implications.  As the Beatles once said: ”I want to hold your hand”.
One day I just might

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Be what I be


My twitter account's back! Oh my joy this morning haha 5 days without twitter is no easy feat I tell you! Well not for me anyways. Right. So yey the holidays are here! 'Cept not really. I have never ever ever spent my June holidays studying never ever in my life and I can't believe I'm not even gonna be able to enjoy my birthday ack shitty sucky JC schedule you suck oh yes you do.

Kay so many things have been going on since I lost the inspiration to blog but this is too cool! Just last week the photog exco stayed back to play with the studio oh.em.gee best fun ever!! Kinda sucks that we're in our uniform but whatever haha I am so ready for my close up hahahahahaha

I swear I'm lugging my whole wardrobe to school one day to just shoot shoot shoot haha fun.

Was on the bus thinking and thinking and playing with my hair when I realized I must have looked like such a major airhead.......... I need to frown more while spacing out so no one will think I'm a frivolous blonde mhmm.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Too stubborn, too blind to see

Hey y'all
This girl actually threw the tray into the Macdees bin. Applause people, applause.
Haha yeah. I have nothing to blog about now hahaha its basically all about how I've been studying, watching PLL, not studying, sleeping, eating, not eating and such. Wowzers my life IS boring.

I guess that's the life of a JC kid yeah?
Oh well. Oh oh oh and I think I might be getting braces!! Sexcited but so nervous I. HATE. PAIN. There was one time last year I went to do something for my teeth and this dentist dude hit something in my mouth and it hurt SO FUCKING BAD I ran into the toilet and cried for an hour........... And that night I woke up crying at 3am and had to catch a cab all the way to the nearest clinic for painkillers haha yeah imma coward. I hate any kinda pain that can be inflicted in my mouth. Anywhere else might even feel good at times
So I had my NAPFA today? Wow I am sucha klutz I swear I completely and utterly suck at standing broad jumps ugh! I had three trials and all were faults. I even fell in my last one :( loserville population? Moi. At least I did pretty okay for the rest haha yay for As!

Kayz. I should prolly go read some lecture shizz or do some tutorials or watch some PLL......... decisions decisions

Till then x

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boom Shakalaka

                                                Hello hello we are bored in lit yay
As you can see, we are in love with the pop art effect hahaha